Ending Wars!

February 26, 2024

We were led to believe rearming the Ukraine to the level it has been currently funded would lead to the expulsion of Russian troops from the Ukraine and the defeat of Putin forces. In a significant turnaround, Russia is now on the offensive and Ukrainian forces are in retreat.

Its time to call a halt to the carnage and the huge cost of war in civilian and loss of life on the battlefield. Its time to negotiate a new treaty:


” Minsk Protocol, this was signed on 5 September 2014.[70] As this failed to stop the fighting, another agreement, called Minsk II was signed on 12 February 2015.[71] This agreement called for the eventual reintegration of the Donbas republics into Ukraine, with a level of autonomy.[71] The aim of the Russian intervention in the Donbas was to establish pro-Russian governments that, upon reincorporation into Ukraine, would facilitate Russian interference in Ukrainian politics.[72] The Minsk agreements were thus highly favourable to the Russian side, as their implementation would accomplish these goals.[73]”

The largely pro Russian and Russian speaking population with large ethnic origins from inside Russia itself has made this region a hotbed of pro Russian and pro Ukrainian Independence conflict. Both East and West have stoked the fires of conflict with Russia fearing NATO and missile threat from this region pointed at Russia and vice versa.

Its time to stabilise this region bringing peace to both sides. Let a treaty guarantee borders allowing Pro Ukrainian citizens of the Dombas to leave the region if they so wish while allowing pro Russian citizens to live there in safety and peace. Donetsk, largest city on the Dombas has been under attack virtually since 2014 in a silent and hidden war that has gripped the Dombas since 2014.

War mongerers in the West would seek to continue to pour billions into arms sales to Ukraine just as the same war mongering hawks supported the Vietnam War to continue it indefinitely.

Its clear the US Congress just as they stopped the Vietnam War, can block the funding that will end the conflict in the Ukraine.

The notion that Russia has any further goals in mind other than the annexation of the pro Russian Dombas region, is nonsense. If true, it would guarantee Putin’s defeat amounting to an act of self destruction for Russia.

Dombas has been the cause of dispute between Ukraine and Russia. Allowing Russia to control this region in return for a guaranteed peace for Ukraine, Dombas and Russia would bring about a peace the world needs right now.

The alternative is that US will beggar itself funding a war it cannot win, costing untold numbers of lives, massive destruction and damage to countries even beyond the borders of this conflict.

Meanwhile, the US acting like a pariah state stands alone with Israel against the rest of the world refusing to demand immediate ceasefire in Gaza that would save countless numbers of lives of Palestinians with Israeli forces currently aiming to continue its genocide in Rafah.

Extraordinary interventions by Saudi Arabia and China typically show a united front against this terrible and criminal conflict.

Ironically, the credibility of not only the US is at stake, but the very credibility of the UN itself as a force for peace in the world.



What the UN should be debating is the expulsion of the US and Russia from the UN as they are proven to violate the basics tenets of the UN


The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.

1. The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.

2. All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfil in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter.

3. All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.

4. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

5. All Members shall give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.

6. [See separate study]

7. [See separate study]

The right to VETO should be removed from the UN in favour of majority rule.

Its beyond the time we should see UN troops sent by member countries, sending in troops to defend the people of Palestine against annexation and genocide by Israel.

The idea that Israel can destroy Hamas by the annexation of Gaza and the death of circa 30,000 innocent Palestinians, is beyond belief.

Such inhumanity will only inflame Hamas into a force that draws deadly energy from such inhumanity.

Irish history has taught this lesson. Not only is Israel waging a war against Gaza and Hamas, it is waging war against itself.



Till again….